Tim Merrick @ Focal Plane Photo

Fair Isle’s campaign for marine protection started back in the ‘80s when bird populations went into steep decline. Now, the community are invested in the island’s protection through a dynamic science programme.

To visit Fair Isle is to understand the deep connection the island has to its surrounding waters. A small three by two mile island situated where the North Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean; it’s hard to determine, at times, where the sea ends and the land begins. The sea provides an important resource for an island who rely heavily on their rich and diverse wildlife to support industry. Moreover, the wildlife is a large part of what makes
Fair Isle a remarkable place to live.

FIMRO’S purpose

FIMRO promote the advancement of environmental improvement by:

  • Understanding the marine and coastal habitats of Fair Isle, the biological interactions and the impact of human activity.
  • Representing the interests of Fair Isle residents for the protection and use of Fair Isle’s marine and coastal natural heritage.
  • Promoting the value of Fair Isle’s coastal and marine natural heritage to the wider public, independently and co-operatively.

The advancement of citizenship or community development by:

  • Exploring the potential for economic development linked to Fair Isle’s natural marine and coastal resources.
  • Empowering the community to contribute to discussions regarding the use and protection of its natural marine and coastal resources.

The advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science by:

  • Carrying out biological research and monitoring within Fair Isle DR MPA (Demonstration and Research Marine Protection Area).
  • Promoting scientific research conducted the isle both to the local community and wider society.

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