The Fair Isle Marine Research Organisation

Tim Merrick @ Focal Plane Photo

Who are we?
FIMRO is comprised of a group of dedicated local volunteers working together for the benefit of Fair Isle’s seas. We aspire to achieve sustainability not only for our marine environment but for the people of Fair Isle.
FIMRO website

FIMRO website

For FIMRO it was important to have somewhere that could act as a resource for other community groups interested in setting up their own projects, to be able to share project work with the community and visitors to the island, and to make it easier to collect citizen-science information and sightings.
Find out more FIMRO website
Fair Isle DRMPA
The Fair Isle Demonstration and Research Marine Protected Area will be an integral part of Fair Isle’s global reputation as a research hub.
A very special place
To visit Fair Isle is to understand the deep connection the island has to its surrounding waters. Situated where the North Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean; it’s hard to determine, at times, where the sea ends and the land begins.
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