Fair Isle Inshore Fish Survey 2023 Community talk

Tim Merrick @ Focal Plane Photo

At the start of January 2024, Dr Shaun Fraser, a fisheries scientist from UHI Shetland, visited Fair Isle to give a talk to the community about the preliminary results from the 2023 Fair Isle Inshore Fish Survey – one of the ongoing Fair Isle DR MPA research projects.

Dr Shaun Fraser, a fisheries scientist from UHI Shetland

Shaun also gave a presentation on the Shetland flapper skate tagging project, a project closely linked to the Fair Isle DR MPA project.

Both talks were very interesting and sparked some productive discussions. The BRUV footage went down very well, particularly with the younger audience members! Further information on the Far Isle inshore fish survey and the Shetland flapper skate tagging project are available. Thank you again to Shaun. 

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